19 May 2021 11:30am–2:30pm
Online - Via ZOOM
Things get better with UNISON learning.
UNISON is offering a fantastic interactive workshop option for UNISON members in the South West.
To support members and activists within UNISON to speak up about the value of their roles and of local government within their communities.
It’s time to recognise, celebrate and defend local government workers and services. UNISON is calling on the Government to give councils the emergency funding they need to avoid even deeper cuts to vital local government services. To do this, we need you, our local government members, to talk to MPs and on social media about the value of your roles and of local government services.
LEARNING AIM: To support members and activists within the union to speak up about the value of their roles and of local government within their communities.
• Participants are able to identify the impact they bring to individuals and the community
• Participants understand how to engage people through effective story telling
• Participants are able to speak with confidence about the work they do
We have 25 spaces available.
Speak Up for Local Government
This course has been postponed – We are still taking interest for this module. If you would like to be added to the waiting list please email the team.
We advise the use of a laptop or tablet to ensure you can engage in the learning fully.
Time off to attend
If you are in need of support to request time off from your work to attend please talk to the branch to gain support.
You may have a local policy or learning agreement to support with gaining reasonable time off to attend our learning from your employer. There is also guidance via ACAS – Time off advice
What happens once you’ve signed up?
By completing this form our education team will reserve you a space on to the workshop. You will be sent confirmation including the zoom link to the online session at least 48 hours before the start of the course.
If you have any queries please contact the Education Team here: Email: SW Education Enquiries
The interactive workshop will be run by:
Janine Miller – Local Government Lead for UNISON South West / Regional Organiser
Natalie Chadwick – Regional Learning & Development Organiser
Mark Everden – Regional Organiser Education South West