UNISON North West is a region of UNISON, the largest trade union in the United Kingdom.
We are a democratic union formed by members coming together to protect and improve the rights and interests of those who work in public services. We are dedicated to creating fair and inclusive workplaces, ensuring our members have a strong voice and representation.

UNISON North West follows a robust structure that ensures accountability, transparency, and representation at all levels. Information on how the democratic structures of our region work can be found here.

Service Groups
UNISON is organised into service groups, which are made up of all the members working in the same sector. Every member of UNISON is in a service group, and they make sure that UNISON’s services stay relevant and useful to all members. Every member is entitled to stand for election for the service group executive, […]

Member Groups
Equality is at the heart of UNISON. We challenge discrimination and win equality in the workplace and beyond. Everyone shares responsibility for equality in UNISON.

Regional Convenor’s Blog
Joanne Moorcroft is UNISON North West’s Regional Convenor. She is the Branch Secretary of Cheshire Police UNISON.