10 January 2023
To be confirmed
Things get better with UNISON learning.
UNISON is offering a fantastic full course option for UNISON members in the South West.
There has been a delay to organising this learning offer due to venue availability, If you are interested in this learning offer please register your interest and you will be added to the list.
Resilience Building – Draft details
Taking interest for our Residential offer
- Resilience Building
- Learn more about compassion and mindfulness
- Networking
- Experience a variety of foundational mindfulness practices
- Learn how to incorporate mindfulness techniques in to daily life
Please note these are draft details. Details may vary. A charge to branches per member will be in place.
child care/dependant responsibilities – what can you do to help? UNISON can support with any additional child/dependent care costs that result from attending a course.
Specific needs – will these be facilitated? We seek to ensure that the venues we book, materials provided etc. meet the needs of our members who have identified on their booking a specific need. Due to the wide varieties of facilitation available it is important that you let us know as soon as possible about your individual requirements.
Residential course – do I need to book my own Accommodation? No, your accommodation and your facilitator’s (where applicable) will be booked by the Education and Equalities Team for the duration of the course. If you wish to bring family members/partners with you to a residential course this will need to be organised by you and payments made directly to the venue before you attend.
Do I have to pay to attend any of the courses? Whilst there is no cost to you as an individual member, for this residential course there will be a charge to the Branch.
Can I claim my travel expenses for attending a course? Yes, you can claim travel expenses you incur from attending a course from your local UNISON Branch by completing an expenses form. As allowances vary from Branch to branch we would advise that you check how much you can claim. The Branch Secretary or Education Co-ordinator will be able to help you.
Register your interest
If you would be interested in this learning offer please register your interest.
We hope that employers and Managers see the benefit to requesting time off to attend from your workplace.
You may want to make your Branch Union Learning Representative or Education Officer aware that you are attending this course to link with other learners or join the local learning network
If you are in need of support to request time off from your work to attend please talk to the branch to gain support.
These sessions are being held during a weekend but if you are on shift or working and want to attend you may be able to negotiate time off from your workplace.
You may have a local policy or learning agreement to support with gaining reasonable time off to attend our learning from your employer. There is also guidance via ACAS – Time off advice
For further learning options please keep an eye on our webpage and social media.
If you have any questions about the course please do not hesitate to get in contact with us
Email: SW Education Enquiries
Am I entitled to time off to attend a course?
Yes, you should approach your line manager to arrange time off in the
same way you would for annual leave. We hope that Line Managers and employers see the benefit for you attending our UNISON Learning offer. The right to time off in workplaces where the UNISON is recognised, trade union workplace representatives have a right to paid time off for the purpose of carrying out their trade union duties or to take part in union training. Where there isn’t a recognition agreement or facility time agreement, reps should seek advice from their branch in the first instance in regards to time off for training. By registering to this course using the booking button please ensure you have the time off to attend. Support for requesting time off can be offered.
What are our courses like?
Our courses are friendly and informal. Our training is aimed at making
learning a fun rather than a daunting experience. Everyone’s views and experiences are listened to. You will not be lectured at and given every opportunity to participate and there is no exam at the end unlike school or college. We have guidance on this under our ” Working together guidelines”
support is offered to members with childcare and caring responsibilities to enable them to fully participate in our residential learning offers. If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact us.