Things get better with UNISON learning.
UNISON is offering this learning for Women in UNISON in the South West.
Personal safety Awareness Webinar
In this Personal Safety Course you will learn how to:
- Effectively plan for managing your own personal safety
- Understand how to reduce the risks involved and complete a Personal Safety Risk Assessment
- Understand what can cause aggressive behaviour and the different stages of conflict aggression
- Understand how to appropriately and effectively respond to anger and aggression
- Use Positive Defensive Standing
- Use natural and instinctive techniques to defend yourself
- Consider body language and effective communication
This course will be held on zoom.
It is an interactive webinar with opportunities for small group work, ppr slides and media clips.
Please register your interest
We are looking for members to register your interest. When we have enough interest a date will be booked and sent to registrants.
This course has 30 spaces available. Spaces will be booked on a first come first served basis with a waiting list.
You may want to make your Branch Union Learning Representative or Education Officer aware that you are attending this course to link with other learners or join the local learning network
If you are in need of support to request time off from your work to attend please talk to the branch to gain support.
These sessions are being held during working hours and we hope that managers will be supportive for you to join our learning offer. If you are on shift or working and want to attend you may be able to negotiate time off from your workplace.
You may have a local policy or learning agreement to support with gaining reasonable time off to attend our learning from your employer. There is also guidance via ACAS – Time off advice
What happens once you’ve signed up?
By completing this form our education team will enrol you on to the course and you will be sent confirmation of how to log in and access the online learning offer.
A zoom link to the online session will be sent to you at least one week before the start date of the course.
If you have any queries please contact the Education Team here: Email: SW Education Enquiries
In collaboration with Jez Brigham 2resolve