UNISON Young Members have developed five key employer pledges that we believe will make a real difference to our quality of life.
Five key employer pledges:
1. Pay the real living wage regardless of age
All workers, irrespective of age, deserve to be paid at least the foundation living wage, set annually by the living wage foundation.
2. Create and maintain quality apprenticeships
Well funded, high quality apprenticeships which focus on relevant career skills for their role. Ensure quality, relevant training is made available. Commit to working towards fulfilling the UNISON apprenticeship charter.
3. Ensure fair employment
Workplaces to work in partnership with trade unions and have a recognition agreement in place. No exploitative short term or temporary contracts.
4. Equality in the workplace
Zero tolerance of discrimination, with robust equality policies and training for all staff.
5. Promote development opportunities
Invest in staff – provide training and development opportunities for young workers and protect career pathways.