Other Courses & Resources

Free Learning Opportunities
Provider Offer How to access
UNISON Most of UNISON’s member learning offer is online. UNISON provide workshops and webinars directly and with a wide range of partners. Visit https://learning.unison.org.uk/member-learning/ for more information.
UNISON Our e-learning site offers remote learning modules, e-notes and games https://e-learning.unison.org.uk/
UNISON Free self-guided learning to improve your skills in Maths & English https://skills-builder.dreamm.co.uk/
TUC TUC’s learning offer is free for all UNISON members https://www.tuc.org.uk/training
WRANX with UnionLearn A range of free online bite-sized training modules, including Functional Skills and GCSE Maths & English revision courses. For information: https://www.unionlearn.org.uk/wranx

To create an account: https://unionlearn.ulp.wranx.com/

The Skills Academy UNISON has purchased licenses for members to access their CPD courses for 12 months. These are free but numbers are limited, licences are allocated on a first come, first served basis. Apply for a licence by completing the form on the UNISON website here: https://learning.unison.org.uk/skills-academy/
UNISON & The Skills Network Access to qualifications via distance learning. All courses are fully funded for UNISON members, however there is an admin charge for people who sign up for courses and do not complete them. https://unison.theskillsnetwork.com/
Future Learn Most courses are available for free but there are also paid access options and a few courses that are only available for a fee. https://www.futurelearn.com/
OpenLearn Free Learning from The Open University (More specialist OU courses are available through UNISON member learning, see above) https://www.open.edu/openlearn/free-courses/full-catalogue
National Numeracy Help with developing numeracy skills – free to all www.nnchallenge.org.uk/unmemb
Digital Unite Free technology guides https://www.digitalunite.com/technology-guides
Learn My Way Free digital skills training and how-to guides https://www.learnmyway.com/
Excellence Gateway Free resources for those learning English

