UNISON North West & UNISON College are delighted to be able to offer members the free training opportunities detailed below.
All courses are online.
To register please click here to complete a form with the time, date and name of the course.
You must complete one form per course.
You will then be contacted to confirm if you have a place on the course/webinar as places are limited.
Course | Date/Time |
Manage Stress & Boost Well-being
These workshop will cover key topics such as: · Recognising the signs of stress and how to address them · Simple techniques for staying calm under pressure · Building emotional strength for long-term well-being · Practical tools for creating a balanced, healthy lifestyle
Option 1:
Monday, 17th February – 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM Option 2: Monday, 24th February – 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM Option 3: Monday, 24th March – 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Deaf Awareness
This interactive session will demonstrate ways that the hearing world can work with the Deaf community to promote equality and inclusion.
The course will highlight the communication differences of Deaf and hearing people, building an awareness of the challenges faced by the Deaf community. It will be an insightful session encompassing many elements of daily life that present additional challenges for Deaf people and people with hearing loss. |
Monday 13th March –
10 AM – 1 PM
British Sign Language Basic Conversational Skills
This course will help to teach you the basics of British Sign Language and enable you to develop basic conversational skills using British Sign Language. You will: · Begin to develop skills in signing your alphabet A-Z, asking someone their name and finger spelling your own. · Learn to count from 1-10 and will also begin to recognise numbers 11-20 · Explore how different parts of the face refer to different conversations in relation to age, money and time. |
Tuesdays 13/5/25, 20/5/25 and 3/6/25 4pm-6pm Thursdays 8/5/25 , 15/5/25 and 22/5/25 2pm-4pm |
Excel Basics
This hands-on, introductory session is designed for beginners who want to get up to speed with the core features of Microsoft Excel. Over the course of 3 hours, you’ll learn how to navigate the Excel interface, enter and format data and perform basic calculations.
You’ll also explore essential functions like SUM and the use of the fill handle , as well as becoming familiar with how to name spreadsheet tabs. By the end of the session, you will feel more confident in data entry and the advantage of using Excel for data calculations. |
2pm – 5pm
Digital awareness and computing for beginners | 2 sessions- 7 &14 May
6-8pm |
Y Viva Espana and Viva La Revolucion!
Conversational Spanish
Do you want to learn the basics of Spanish conversation? Maybe you are going on holiday soon or you are involved in or want to get involved in the Cuban, Nicaraguan or Columbian Solidarity campaign?
These sessions will give you an introduction to the basics of Spanish conversation 1. Introductions and likes/dislikes 2. Getting what you need (i.e. in the restaurant/station/taxi) 3. Sounding Spanish and common verbs
Tuesday 04, 11, 18 and 25 March
6.30-7.30pm N.B. You must be able to attend all four sessions
Menopause Awareness
This session will cover • What the menopause is and common symptoms • The impact of the menopause on women and how it can affect work • How work or the workplace affects women going through the menopause |
March 3rd 11am -1pm
April 11th 10 – 12pm 15 May 4pm – 6pm |
Provided by Quilter Financial Advisers
All sessions are online for 1 hour
Basic Financial Planning – Your Money Matters | General Pre-Retirement and Pensions Explained | NHS Pre-Retirement and Pensions Explained | LGPS Pre-Retirement and Pensions Explained |
06/02/25 6.30pm
19/02/25 4pm 14/05/25 12.30pm 19/06/25 6.30pm |
11/02/25 12.30pm
27/03/25 6.30pm 02/04/25 4pm |
04/03/25 12.30pm
09/04/25 6.30pm |
12/03/25 12.30pm
24/04/25 4pm |
This session covers
➢ Budgeting ➢ Managing Debt ➢ Improving your credit score ➢ Getting on the property ladder ➢ Protection & your work benefits ➢ The principles of Investing ➢ The importance of planning and reviewing ➢ Planning for the Future
This session covers ➢ How your pensions work, including the state and workplace pensions ➢ When you can take your pensions and how much you can expect to receive ➢ Your options for accessing any additional pension savings, including from previous employers ➢ Ways you may be able to increase your income ➢ Tax considerations, including your tax-free lump sum ➢ Countering inflation: will your income keep its value in real terms? |
This session covers
➢ how the NHS Pension Scheme works ➢ recent changes to pensions and how they affect you ➢ how much you might get and whether it will be enough for you to enjoy a comfortable retirement ➢ AVCs and other ways of boosting your pension provision ➢ protecting your and your family’s income while you are working ➢ early retirement: could it be an option for you?
This session covers
➢ How your pensions work, including the state and Local Government Pension Scheme ➢ When you can take your pensions and how much you can expect to receive ➢ Your options for accessing any additional pension savings, including from previous employers ➢ Ways you may be able to increase your income ➢ Tax considerations, including your tax-free lump sum ➢ Countering inflation: will your income keep its value in real terms?