23 February 2021
Pathways Courses for UNISON Activists
Four 90 minute sessions, one week apart
This online course is designed to meet the requirements of the Employment
Relations Act (ERA) recertification.
It involves group work and discussion. It is also a good opportunity to network and
share ideas and experiences.
The course will:
• Update reps on new legislation relevant to their role
• Introduce new developments in UNISON
• Develop new skills and ideas including preparing for, and representing, cases
and encouraging and supporting new activists.
We actively encourage branches to hold this course within the branch and would be
happy to help you organise this
23 February, 2, 9 & 16 March
9.30 am – 11 am
Stewards Pathways - ERA Refresher
You will need to be available for all four sessions.
You should make your Branch aware that you are attending this course in order for them to keep their records up to date and ensure you receive up to date information relevant to your role.
If you are in need of support to request time off from your work to attend please talk to the branch to gain support.
You may have a local policy to support with gaining reasonable time off to attend training from your employer. There is also guidance via ACAS – Time off advice
If you have any questions about the course please do not hesitate to get in contact with us
Email: SW Education Enquiries
This course is tutored by Mark Everden Regional Education Organiser