UNISON’s Young Members Forum has agreed to hold a National Young Members Conference on Friday 29th November at 4pm, finishing Sunday 1st December 2024 at 12:30pm.
The conference will take place in Swansea at the Swansea Arena.
The conference is an opportunity to influence the Young Members Forum policy, as well as to learn from an network with other Young Members from across the union.
UNISON North West is entitled to send up to 10 delegates to the conference. 50% of delegates must identify as a woman.
UNISON North West Young Members Forum (NYMF) will fund accommodation and subsistence expenses for all delegates. Travel expenses will be funded by UNISON nationally.
For those who wish to attend, please complete the form below before midnight on Thursday 29 August 2024.
In the case of competing applications, NYMF Co-Chairs and the UNISON NW Young Members Officer will assess the merits of the application and inform applicants of their decision during the week commencing Monday 2 September 2024.
If you have any questions, please contact Young Members Officer Sam Doherty at s.doherty@unison.co.uk.
Registrations are now closed.